Asset Managers Failing to Back a Considerable Number of E&S Shareholder Resolutions









ShareAction analyzed the way the largest global asset managers voted on shareholder resolutions addressing current environmental and social issues in 2022. When the findings of this analysis are compared to those of 2021, it is clear that asset managers are backing fewer resolutions in 2022, and that many resolutions would have passed if they had received a favorable vote from those managers. However, environmental issues received greater support from investors than important social issues. 

The year 2022 has brought a new set of challenges following the pandemic, including high temperatures, droughts, declining biodiversity, and inflation. To tackle these issues on a large scale, the asset management sector, which holds over $103 trillion of the world's wealth, is crucial. Asset managers have significant influence over the practices of the world's leading companies, as they invest in them, and how they vote on company resolutions can determine the future of the planet.