Hiroki Sampei
Hiroki Sampei has long served at institutional investors such as Fidelity International and Nippon Life Insurance (“Nissay”) in their investment management and research. He has long experience in investing in equities globally since 1989 and led shareholder engagement since 2005. Since 2007 he has led Fidelity International’s equity analyst teams as a Director of Research. He was appointed a newly created Head of Engagement of Japan in 2017 and has been engaging with executive directors and NEDs of investee companies to promote change for better outcomes. Prior to joining Fidelity, he was an equity analyst/fund manager and then led investment teams in Nissay and its asset management arms – namely, NLI Asset Management Corp. in New York, Nissay Deutsche Asset Management Europe Ltd. in London and Nissay Asset Management in Tokyo.
Hiroki has been an active member of regulatory councils and study groups in Japan advising on the capital market, corporate governance and ESG issues. These include the Financial System Council of the Financial Services Agency (FSA), the Legislative Council of the Ministry of Justice, study groups of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).