Your Benefits

Certified Stewardship Professional©
Accreditation, consisting of a comprehensive curriculum of live and virtual courses
Reduced fees for CSP accreditation program and courses

10% discount on all courses
StePs Pay Tracker
Proprietary, regularly updated data and analysis on remuneration for stewardship posts
StePs Net
Off-the-record virtual networks for professionals serving in common stewardship functions (e.g., stewardship heads; proxy voting managers; proxy voting committee chairs; sustainability executives; engagement managers)
Selected courses and workshops on ESG and related topics
StePs Intelligence
News and insights on developments affecting the stewardship profession, including career moves
StePs Careers
Prime resource for employment postings in the stewardship field

This is how your Membership works

Membership of StePs - Stewardship professionals is divided into two categpries: Individual and Corporate.

1. Individual

Individual members of StePs are characterized by a high level of professional qualification and commitment to professional ethics. Natural persons who are stewardship professionals can become regular members of StePs. These include:
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Environment, Social Governance (ESG) Analysts
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Environment, Social Governance (ESG) Consultants
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Staff of institutional investors responsible for formulating and implementing investor stewardship policies and practices
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Portfolio Managers and Investment Analysts
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Academics in the fields of sustainable finance, accounting and educators, capital market law, corporate governance, environmental regulation or similar
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Accountants, Auditors and Assurance Providers
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Investor Relations
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Legal Advisors
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Senior Executives
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Regular members have the right to vote at the general meeting and have access to the member directory. A professional reference is required.

Questions concerning eligibility are resolved by the Advisory Committee.

Individual members of StePs are characterized by a high level of professional qualification and a commitment to professional ethics.

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The Membership Fee for 2022 and including 2023:

100€ per year

The Membership Fee for 2024:

200€ per year

2. Corporate

Corporates, Institutional Investors, Academic Institutions, Accounting and Audit Firms, Rating Agencies, Consulting Firms, Law Firms, Proxy Advisors, Proxy Solicitors, Custodians and other Market Participants can become supporting members. Please contact us for more information.